
Services Offered

Chicago All Care Dental is here to care for all of your oral health care needs.

Dr. Nick and his staff will diagnose, treat, and manage your beautiful smile utilizing state of the art equipment. Our goal is to leave you with something to smile about. 

Preventative & Periodontic Treatment

Regular dental cleanings are the only way to keep your smile healthy and prevent gum disease.

Our office is here to diagnose and treat gum diseases that can affect the soft and hard structures that support your teeth. Periodontal disease or gum disease can be treated with a deep cleaning and regular maintenance visits with our hygienist to help prevent further bone loss and control gum disease. 


Cosmetic Treatment

We offer cosmetic services including whitening, bonding, veneers, recontouring, and ceramic porcelain crowns. If you are seeking a whiter smile, we offer UV in-office whitening treatments or professional whitening strips. 

Our doctors are uniquely qualified to address your smile concerns and fix imperfections. Whether you have chipped/cracked teeth or gummy smiles we will create an individualized treatment plan for you.  

Endodontic Treatment

Dr. Nick and his staff work hard to save your natural teeth and treat any deep decay or infection. Often times patients experience pain that originates from inflammation or infection in the tooth of the tooth. An endodontic treatment removes the infected/inflamed root, cleans the tooth, and fills the canal. 

We routinely preform root canals in order to relieve any pain our patient may be experiencing and save otherwise healthy teeth. 

Implant Dentistry

Chicago All Care Dental offers dental implants to replace one or multiple teeth. If  you are missing teeth, implants offer a comfortable long term solution. Implants are designed to last for a very long time and are easy to care for.

If you feel self-conscious or miss eating your favorite foods because of missing teeth, contact our office to see how implant dentistry may be the right solution for you.